Looking for a professional cognitive behavioral therapist? We are 24/7 available to help you take care of your loved ones.

How can a cognitive behavioral therapist help people?

This professional will help your loved ones when they face serious problems that affect their quality of life.

We understand that it is not easy to suffer from difficulties related to anxiety, depression, alcohol and drug abuse, and even mental illness.

These types of situations affect the whole family and it is necessary to seek professional help.

It is for this reason that at The Lakes Home Care, our team of cognitive behavioral therapists is ready to help our patients, in the treatment of each of these problems, so that they can communicate and relate better with other people.

So, if you are looking for help, call us today 305 817 39 12 and receive free guidance

We Are Certified By The Joint Commision As A High Quality Home Care Services Provider

The Joint Commission Accreditation
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